Monday, October 29, 2012

A Journal Page and A Card

This post catches up all the older projects... yay!!!  But I have several atcs I made this past week for the in-person atc swap I attended Saturday to share so I intend to keep the blog posts coming.  

I made this journal page last month.  I was cleaning up my desk and had a piece of paper with this quote on it.  Instead of sticking it away somewhere I decided right then and there to put it on a journal page.  I picked a page from the journal I started in the class I attended at Stampaway that had some ink smeared on it.  I stamped the lines (a Dylusions stamp), messing up my idea for having them line up just so... but just went with it.  Wrote in the quote.  Stamped the leaves along the tome and the flowers (both Dylusion stamps) in the background.   Colored in the leaves and some of the flowers using Dylusions spray ink.  Decided in did too much coloring on the flowers and now my quote didn't stand out enough so made the beginning letters more bold and added some white highlights to the word 'yourself' and also to the leaves.  Added gold dots to the center of some flowers.  The large leaf vine and flower at the bottom are die cut from grungepaper and sprayed with Dylusions spray.  The leaves are stamped with the Studio 490 speckled background image.  "unique" is a Wendy Vecchi stencil.  I used a white pen to draw in the stencil and to add the other lines on the flower.  

The car and tread along the bottom of this card are Tim Holtz stamps.  The sentiment is Hero Arts.  I stamped the card on a piece of scrap from picking up extra spray while working on a different project.  I didn't think to take a picture of the piece I actually used but I had other similar pieces so took a picture of them.  There was a perfect area on the piece I used that gave a shadow look under the car.  Created the bottom background with sprays and a stencil so it would match.  Layering with black cardstock and black pen dots.  


  1. Hey, another artist who likes to use what's in front of her/him! Cool pages, the card is something I might have to CASE when I need another male card. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Love your bold colors!!! These are both great! Good to catch up isn't?

  3. WOW. I love the idea and execution of the journal. This is art, and playful and joyful. And I especially love the tyre tracks under the car, so cool! Thank you for letting us catch up too!

  4. Love your journal page. You're sure loving these bright colors, Wanda.

  5. Bold sprays... love em! The ATCs look great too. Doing a speed visit today as we just got our power back and email is majorly backlogged. Hope all's well on your end!


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