Tuesday, July 10, 2012

MAC #45

Wow!!!  It's hard to believe that this is the 45th Making Art Challenge on the Everything Wendy Vecchi Yahoo Group!!!   Lori, our totally fabulous list mom, bases the challenges on projects from Wendy's books but keeps it simple so you don't actually have to own the book (but I have them all and recommend owning them).  This challenge is based on the project from Book 3 on Page 17 - which I have not looked at yet because I wait until I'm finished so as not to be influenced - and our actual challenge is to use the color blue and use green dots.  I chose to make an atc mainly because I have an in-person swap coming up in 2 weeks that I need to make atcs to take to.  I started with white cardstock and used Dylusions sprays... the 2 blues - vibrant turquoise sprayed and blotted, london blue picked up off a stencil.  (A note here... on my screen I could not get my color true... the blue background is much more turquoise that I'm showing)  I used a green paint dabber to dot around the edge - do half dots count as dots?, dried it and doodled with a white and then a black pen.  The flowers are Wendy's clicker cuts... way cool!!!!... these are 2 of the smallest flowers from the 8 Petal Flowers CFA White pack.... I colored the flowers with alcohol ink sunshine yellow and stamped Wendy's dot background (these definitely count as dots :-) on them with Archival Ink viridian.... heated and shaped the flowers.  The stems and leaves are cut freehand from printed paper... I added ink to darken the stems and used a white pen to highlight one edge.  Used Tim's foliage in the center of the flowers.  Along the bottom is a piece of 7 Gypsies adhesive backed metal scallop trim cut to size and dots added with green paint dabber using a small paint brush.  Bloom is hand written on white cardstock layered to a scrap of cardstock colored black with Archival ink (I could have used black paper but I had scraps and ink at my fingertips so went for it, lol)


  1. Amazing color!!! Love the green half circles and the border around them. The splotches are so cool as well! This is an awesome little beauty!

  2. Another WOW atc. I love the colors and dots. I Can't wait to see it in a couple of weeks !!

  3. very beautiful wanda so stunning..love you special features and the coloring is awesome.
    susan s.

  4. Great ATC! The colors really pop as do the flowers. They look like they could jump off the ATC! So cool

  5. This is flippin' fantastic! (Shouldn't that be one of Wendy's stamps? Lol) I love the colors, those flowers are awesome! Thanks for joining the MAC!

  6. So vibrant! Sorry I missed this challenge. You sure rocked it. I love your leaves, especially.

  7. I love your pretty vibrant flowers. Lovely project.


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