Saturday, June 9, 2012

Would You Like A Tag?

I took a little play time last night and thought I'd make a tag for the current Frilly and Funkie Challenge which is Kraft and Twine.  I also just got all the Dylusions sprays this past week and had to have a go with them.  I started with a Ranger #8 manila tag, sprayed it with water and 3 colors of Dylusions spray - squeezed orange, bubblegum pink, and melted chocolate, layed another tag on top to pick up excess liquid, pulled them apart and dried them.  So now I had two tags started and normally I would have thrown one off to the side for later use but decided I'd just go ahead and make two tags.  I continued to layer using stencils, sprays, inks, water, and then added some stamping... decided I'd like a lighter area for the quote and used Jenni Bowlin malted milk paint dabber to lighten an area large enough for it, dried it and stamped the quote (Tim Holtz) using Archival jet black.  Added a piece of old lace, a torn piece of corrugated (a free gift from Linda with an order from the Funkie Junkie's Boutique) with a little paint rubbed on, burlap string (another free gift from Linda), a metal filigree also from the Funkie Junkie, and a flower.  The flower is die cut (Tim's tattered floral die) from kraft glassine... I stacked 3 together - 2 are sprayed with squeezed orange and 1 with bubblegum pink - after sprayed I did NOT blot off any extra, I just dried them with a heat tool... Love the speckled color!!  Stapled the flowers together and then glued an Ideaology button on the top (shank cut off).  Tied a piece of jute (from my stash) at the top.

Since I now have two tags I thought I would give one away... just leave me a comment before I check the computer early Monday morning and I will randomly pick a winner... oh, and if you like one better just let me know which one in the comment.   


  1. I want, I want!!! Love your tag- I have to get some of those delusions- the colors are soooo vibrant! Love the 1st tag- as I love pink- but both are wonderful!

  2. You are the master of flowers !!! Both tags are great and I would be happy with either one. Pick me !!!!

  3. Everyone is so cute of course we all love your art..who could chose they are both beautiful.
    susan s.

  4. Opps got carried away looking at what I have missed and left the comment on the wrong post not that the card is not exquisit :)
    Have a great weekend
    Von x♥x

  5. I love these tags. You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  6. Woohoo, Wanda, these are stunning! I absolutely LOVE the colors you have used - what a gorgeous color palette! Great work with the stenciling too. And that button (or brad?) that you used for the flower center is just gorgeous. I so love seeing what people make with the items from my shop. SO happy to have you playing in our Kraft and Twine challenge this week at Frilly and Funkie. And don't forget to link up with Sunday Share for anything you make with items from my shop. We don't have many people joining the Sunday-Saturday inky party each week so you stand a great chance of wining a 25% discount coupon to The Funkie Junkie boutique.


  7. These turned out fantastic! Glassine flowers? Wow! Love the cardboard with the lace...all in all....Love 'em!

  8. That is by far the silliest question I've heard this week. And I know my silly questions.
    Of course anyone would be honored to be the recipient of any one of theste wandaful tags. Guten Tag, as they say in Germany, which actually means good day, but really fits here. A good tag equals a good day.

  9. Oh My Wanda! Beautiful! Love them both but the one on the right with more brown tones just really grabs me. Fantastic work!

  10. oh my, these are both gorgeous, you really did a wonderful job and I adore tags....hope you have a wonderful week!

    enjoy *~*

  11. What great tags. I'm gonna have to try making two at once, I have quite a few to make. TFS

  12. These are awesome Wanda! Love the backgrounds!

  13. These are gorgeous, Wanda! Bet you can't stop spraying now that those inks are on hand. So glad you joined us at Frilly & Funkie with your beautiful tags.


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