Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog Buzz

Welcome to the Quietfire Design Garden Delights Blog Buzz!

Quietfire Design would like to introduce you to their new Spring selection of rubber stamps!  Each day designers will be posting brand new artwork they have created using the new rubber stamps.  Visit each of their blogs on the day of their featured project, post a comment on their Blog Hop post and you will be eligible to win a grab bag of Quietfire Design rubber stamps valued at $50!   Each Designer will randomly choose a winner from the comments on their own Blog Hop post, so make sure you’ve commented by midnight Friday, May 18th.  Tell your friends!

All winners will be posted on the Quietfire Style blog on Sunday May 20th. If you are one of our lucky winners, please contact Suzanne privately with your snail mail address.  (Her email address is in the sidebar of the Quietfire Style blog)

Here is our schedule:

Monday, May 14th: Yogi , Holly
Tuesday, May 15th: Robyn, Dawn 
Wednesday, May 16th: Wanda (that's me), Sherry
Thursday, May 17th: Monica, Terre
Friday, May 18th: Suzanne

The complete set of new rubber stamps will remain on special at 20% off throughout the Blog Buzz!

Happy Buzzing and good luck!!


Now for my project!!!!  

Supply List --

I'll start by explaining the flowers first.  If you search on YouTube you will find many videos on making your own roses so I won't explain all the details here.  I will show you pics of how the flowers were cut before making the roses.  The larger roses were each made from three 6-petal flowers.  The smaller rose was made from one 6-petal flower.  I used the smaller 6-petal flower from the tattered floral die and cut them from maroon book cloth.  I wasn't sure how the book cloth would work but it's fabulous for this - looks AND feels great!!!!  After cutting the flowers I lightly brushed white paint on the edges of the petals starting off the flower and brushing in over the edge.

The leaves were also die cut from book cloth using the tattered leaves die.  After cutting I folded down the center of the leaf, front out, and rubbed peeled paint on the fold... repeated folding and rubbing on ink to get all the lines on the leaf.  I then pinched and twisted the end of the leaf and trimmed off the stem.  

For the background of the tag I lightly sponged white paint on the tag and dried it.  Then working on a craft sheet I sprayed the tag well with water and then with both colors of Color Wash spray and dried the tag.  Next I rubbed the edges in the left over color on the craft sheet and if needed sprayed a little water along the edge of the tag for blending and dried the tag again.  (The white paint resists the color wash and peeks through adding wonderful texture to the background).  Stamped the flourish a few times with broken china and the word love with faded jeans.  Added squiggles around the edges first with a black pen and then with white.  The flourishes were pretty light and so I decided to add highlights with the white pen.  

The house with the heart die stuck inside was cut from manila cardstock and then embossed with the bricked folder.  Covered the front completely with victorian velvet using a blending tool... lightly went over it with dusty concord to pick up the pattern of the embossing and finally added a bit of walnut stain around the edges.  Stamped love lives here with jet black on a scrap of natural cardstock, attached it behind the house and used a black pen to add dots.  Cut the roof from the left over piece of manila cardstock that I cut the house from... just followed the roof line of the house on the left over piece.  Painted it white.  After it was dry I added a bit of walnut stain, dried it with a heat tool and added doodling with the black pen.  

The fence was cut from grungepaper.  I inked it with distress ink and embossed it with the tea dye powder.  After it was cool I rubbed it to remove all the release crystals and then painted it white.  This gave the fence great texture!!!  After it was dry (or use your heat tool) I very lightly rubbed the walnut stain over it (I used the blending foam without adding more ink), stamped a few flourishes along the bottom with peeled paint and dried it.  

For the "sign" I stamped love on a scrap of natural cardstock, cut it to size trimming the corners diagonal, inked the edges with victorian velvet, distressed the edges with the paper distresser, and inked them with dusty concord.  Put the sign in a memo pin and cut off the end so it wouldn't stick down past the bottom of the fence.  

The bee was stamped on a scrap of natural cardstock with saffron, dried, details added with the black pen, and then cut out.  

The silk ribbon was sprayed with water and then both colors of Color Wash spray, partly dried, and then scrunched as I finished drying it.  If you scrunch it up while it is very wet the colors blend together more and I wanted to be able to see both colors.

Everything was assembled as shown.  The bird has two layers of foam tape behind it for added dimension.

Here are some close up pics.


  1. Beautiful colour combination on the tag.The book cloth flowers look great. Thank you for sharing the instructions, a lot of technique tips to remember.

  2. This is really beautiful. I love the colours and the way you have stamped the word 'love' in the background. the bookcloth certainly works really well here and thank you so much for sharing all your techniques. It really is appreciated.

  3. Wow this is beautiful! I love the colors. I love how rustic your house look and the senteimnet is perfect.TFS AJ~

  4. Wanda.....this is just FANTABULOUS!! Love every single detail about your tag!

  5. Hi
    absolutely fab. hope your proud of yourself. Love the flowers and got to try them. Smashing effects.

  6. wow! what a beautiful card. thanks for all the instructions and tips.

  7. This is simply gorgeous! Love those book cloth flowers.

  8. Wanda the flowers are gorgeous! Love the brick on the artful dwelling too. Beautiful tag!

  9. Oh Wanda, exquisite artwork, as always! your bow has such an antique feeling.

  10. Stunning! Your detailed and textured background elementso the tag and house really highlight the sentiment image.

  11. Your roses are awesome !!! Glad you showed the parts so we can make our own. Great art project !!!

  12. This is so AMAZING! Love all the techniques! And the book! I would never have thought to use that! Awesome!

  13. FABULOUS - I love your tag. all the elements are fantastic. Using bookcloth for the flowers - super idea.
    Have a great day
    PS this is the only stamp I still haven't used... so some good ideas for it. BIG GRIN

  14. Oh My, what a gorgeous card. Love the colours and the technique information! The roses are BEE-U-Ti-Ful!!!

  15. Wow! Love all the elements you've used! One fabulous tag!

  16. wow those flowers are gorgeous!!! Love it

  17. Your tag is fabulous. Love everything about it, but I must try using bookcloth for flowers.

  18. This is a wonderful tag/card. I love the colors, warm and soothing, it reminds me of an old English manor. Thanks for sharing. E. Brown

  19. Truly stunning and beautiful. You shared so many tips and techniques too. Thank you!

  20. This a gorgeous creation and has great instructions. I appreciate all of the detailed info! I just wonder what die cutting machine you used, since I've had difficulties finding one that cuts fabric, vinyl, and such.


  21. So very pretty, Wanda. I love the blue and green colors, especially in the ribbon. Great roses and sentiment, too.

  22. Lovely colours and thanks for all the great details on the process.

  23. Just LOVE those bookcloth flowers Wanda! this is so AWESOME! Thanks so much!

  24. Love the detail and the tutorial! Thank you!!

  25. Looks beautiful. Way too much work for me to ever consider making. I will have to admire from afar.

  26. thanks for the tutorial - love the roses !!!

  27. You have used a lot of mediums I have never tried! Amazing work!

  28. Wow! What a gorgeous card. Thank you so much for sharing and the instructions are just excellent!

  29. Exquisite! Another great artistic work! Thanks for sharing. Nelda
    nelda mc765

  30. gorgous, and i can make it since for once i have all the componets.

  31. WOW! That is one amazing piece of artwork! Love it! I esp love the flowers. Thanks for showing us how to create them!

  32. What a gorgeous tag! I'm loving the great variety of projects on this fun hop.

  33. if any one can make beautiful flowers it is truly you..the house is the brick and the little bee is darling.
    susan s.

  34. Such beautiful colors! Thanks for such great details! The calligraphy stamps look so good!

  35. awww. what a cute house with all those lovely details.

  36. Beautiful tag. Love those flowers.... They go so perfectly with the new stamps.....

  37. Hi Wanda, Your tags are always so beautiful. I just received the Liebster Award and I have to pass it on to 5 blogs and I chose yours as one of them so please come to my blog and pick up your Award. Hugs and God bless!

  38. What a beautiful tag! I love all of your design elements.

  39. wow, this is so cool. i love the textyured roses. very fun card.

  40. Love the colors and the beautiful colors!

  41. Wanda: That project is lovely. At first I did not even notice that it was a tag. Thanks for the instructions on your work.

  42. What a lovely & inspiring tag! Thanks for the instructions too.

  43. very nice! i love your choice of deep bright colours!!
    also, i had NO idea you could make your own roses so easily..thanks!

  44. Wow!!!! I love this! Those flowers are amazing with the book cloth and now I can't wait to make some!! Just beautiful!

  45. Wanda!! What an amazing project. I love it. Thanks for all the info you shared.

  46. How very sweet! You really put a lot of work into this Fantastic!

  47. I am in awe of this remarkable project. Thanks for the detailed tutorial re the flowers.

  48. WOW, that is gorgeous and I love your detailed pictures - especially of the bookcloth flowers. I had no idea what book cloth was. Gorgeous.

  49. Some really effective techniques here and lots of interesting layers-well done

  50. This is very pretty and the bird really sets it off!

  51. Oh is wonderful. The color combo, layout and great execution. This is how I envisioned the Love Lives Here stamp also.

  52. Had to believe there is a tag under there!
    Love the book cloth rose and the bee is the bee's knees!
    all over wonderful-done with lots of Love.

  53. I love your tag Wanda. The colours and vintage spring feel are wonderful.

  54. What a lovely tag! Using book cloth for flowers is a fresh idea for me....your examples are so textural! I also love the little touches of penwork!

  55. What an amazing idea! So creative incorporating so many different techniques.

  56. I haven't tried making flowers with book fabric - but yours came out so beautiful. The tag should be displayed in an art gallery! Thanks for the inspiration.


    Carmen L

  57. Wow, Wanda! Your tag is gorgeous! The colors, detail and techniques, especially your roses! Beautiful!

  58. Gorgeous in every detail. Clever use of bookcloth. "Love lives here".

  59. Sweet tag Wanda! Thanks for the tutorials - so many fabulous ideas in one little tag! And book cloth!!! I did not even known Quietfire carried that - would never have thought to use it for flowers! Absolutely gorgeous!

  60. Wanda, this is quite the project. How long did this take you? And did it take longer to make the blog post than to complete the project? ;) I love the grunge flowers and leaves--very pretty.

  61. Thank you for sharing all the details of your beautiful project!!!

  62. I love how realistic the bricks look and the gable gives a 3D impression. The blue/green background is also very stunning.

  63. what a grat card with a great tutorial
    thanks for sharing I love this line of stamps

  64. This is such a beautiful tag! The roses are fantastic. It would make a wonderful gift for someone in a new home.

  65. Love this and love you for all the 'how to's. Sweet house

  66. This is fabulous!!! I love birds and I really appreciate the pics and instructions to do the flowers. Thank you so much!

  67. Wanda, this is an amazing tag. The roses are so lovely - what a great idea for using up bits of leftover bookcloth that are not big enough for a book. I like how you antiqued them with white. The quote is perfect in the heart shape, too!

  68. Absolutely gorgeous and great techniques. Love the stamps and the different sayings. very unusual. Thanks for sharing

  69. Fantastic tag Wanda. I love the colours and your bookcloth flowers are terrific.

  70. Thanks so much for sharing all your techniques for your fab tag.


  71. You can't even tell this is a tag it's so elegant!! Love your roses and that you explained in detail how you made everything. Thank You for sharing and inspiring.

  72. Wow. Great piece of work. I love those flowers. Thanks for sharing!

  73. How clever and unique! I love everything about your project - simply breathtaking!

  74. Great combination of colors. Great idea.

  75. Love the color combo on the tag. But specials thanks for taking the time to show how to do leaves. Everyone does flowers, but so few show leaves.

  76. Wanda - Love your tag. The colors are awesome and the flowers are really super. Love the little pen details you added to the roof. Such a nice detailed description of how you did it all. Thanks for sharing.

  77. Great tag! Love the colors, and all the embellishments you used. I can't wait to find some book cloth and try it.

  78. Love everything about your tag! The flowers, the folder you used, the gate - just beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Carmen L

  79. Francie (Montreal)May 18, 2012 at 5:44 AM

    Beautiful project! Great job.

  80. What a super tag, love the colors & the details. Thank you so much for creating and sharing it.
    alsmouse ~C8> Ratty Hugs

  81. Love the little house!! Hearts are one of my favorite elements - together they are great!! Love the dyed silk ribbon, too!!



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