Saturday, May 19, 2012

Blog Buzz Winner

Thank you for all the wonderful comments on my blog buzz project!!!  

I had a great time making the tag!!!  I was asked how long it took to make and I really don't know.... it actually takes me longer to decide what to do as I work along then it does to do the work and I rarely have time to just make something start to finish in one sitting... honestly, if you were going to make a tag like this, already knowing what you were going to do, it wouldn't really take all that terribly long.  I was also asked if it took longer to make the blog post then to make the tag... it can sure feel that way - LOL.  I get enough people telling me how much they appreciate the directions and sometimes tips, etc., that I'm happy to include them, even if it takes a long time to make the post... a labor of love some might call it!!  Someone else asked about my die cutting machine... I have a Vagabond and love it!!!

Now on to the winner on my blog.....  which is Daphne!!!!!

Daphne said...
Oh Wanda, exquisite artwork, as always! your bow has such an antique feeling.


  1. I am so excited, I can hardly believe my good fortune!
    Thanks so much, Wanda.
    Woww! and many hugs,

  2. Oh! Congratulations to the winner!


I'm so glad you've stopped by!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!! YOU are appreciated!!!