Thursday, February 23, 2012

Remembering Mom

I know it's been a while since I've blogged... a busy couple weeks followed by an even busier couple of weeks kept me away.  I do have art to share (several atcs and some cards) that were made towards the end of January/early February and will get to that soon.  But for now a major reason for my absence...... 

My mom's health had been declining for the past couple years and especially this past year.  On Feb. 4 she went into the hospital not doing well at all and passed away on Feb. 11.  Although she never really "woke up" during that week in the hospital I was able to be there with her.  I'd spend all day by her side and sleep at my brother's at night.  After she passed away I helped my brother clear out her room at the care center and meet with the funeral home.  I then came home for a few days, gathered up pictures of her, did laundry, and we all headed back up to Minnesota for the funeral which was on Feb. 17.  I thought I'd share a couple of pictures here. 

I love this first picture.  She is about 16 years old in it.  She looks so pretty and happy!!!!

I can't remember exactly when this 2nd picture was taken (and I know it's a little blurry) but it is totally her.  For years and years she always wore her hair long and straight with a headband, which she has on but you can't really tell because of the glasses on her head.  She loved all animals and especially small dogs.  This poodle, Babe, was a favorite and I still remember how sad Mom was when Babe died.

We love you, Mom!!!!


  1. sorry for you loss Wanda, thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    The pictures are lovely.

  2. Dear Wanda -

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a parent is devastating, no matter your age or theirs. I pray that the wonderful memories you have of her help you through this difficult time. The pictures of your mother are just lovely. God Bless.

    Elaine Allen

  3. Am so sorry to hear your news Wanda. The photos of your mother are wonderful, such a vibrant lady. Sending you loads of hugs, Annette x

  4. Wanda - What an incredible mother - she lived a wonderful life. I hope all those memories you share help ease the pain of her passing. Thoughts & prayers to you & your family.

  5. Treasure your memories Wanda. So sorry to hear of your loss.

  6. Shes in a better place Wanda, she'll be skipping along with her dear puppies and having a wonderful time. Shes free!!

  7. She is beautiful were blessed to have a fabo mom like that!! she will always be close to you she has that look in her eye.

  8. My condolences on the passing of your beloved mother. Sending you soft hugs.

  9. Wanda-I am so sorry for your loss. She is so beautiful, and I am betting that she is smiling right now. Prayers for you and your family.
    hugs, chris

  10. Wanda, your mom looks so loving and clearly so loved. You know I'm sorry for your loss but also happy you & your sibs could all be together to support one another.

  11. Wanda- so sorry for your loss. What a blessing to be able to be with her that last week. She is beautiful- wonderful pictures!

  12. Oh Wanda I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that you may find peace soon and remember your Mom in happier time soon. it will take a life time to get over this so take that in your stride. Thinking of you judy

  13. Fabulous photos - a very striking lady with a wonderful smile....and precious memories galore by the sounds of it. Thinking of you and your family - now and in the months ahead.
    Sarah x

  14. I am so sorry for your loss Wanda. Your Mom looks like she was a fun person and very pretty lady. I know how hard it is to lose a parent...sending hugs and prayers. Take it one day at a time!

  15. Wanda, I am so sorry for your loss. Its never easy losing a parent. So nice you were with her till the end.
    Blessing to you and your family!
    hugs Lynn

  16. I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a mom has got to be the most difficult time for anyone. Wonderful photos and precious memories.

  17. Wanda, beautiful photos of your mom! My sincere condolences for your loss. It is always hard to lose a loved one, especially a mom.


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