Monday, October 31, 2011

Classes with Linda Cain

Linda Cain came to Memory Bound Scrapbook store in Ankeny the weekend of Oct. 22-23 to teach 3 classes and I was blessed to be able to attend all 3.  Had a Fabulous time!!!!!  And all the projects are way cool!!!!!!  Linda is such a sweetie!!  Funny, talented, and a great teacher!!!  (Hugs, Linda... I'm so glad I found your blog a few years ago and have had the pleasure of taking classes from you 2 different times now)

Here is a picture of Linda and I on Saturday.

This is what we did during the first class on Saturday.  A wooden gift bag, Graphics 45 papers and metal flowers, Ranger's foil tape, paint, ink, stamps, doodads, and Lots of Fun!!!!  

This was our second class on Saturday, a standing curio (the box is a wooded pencil box - the kind with a slide top... amazing, huh)!!!  Totally awesome class!!!  Some people brought their own pictures to use in the curio but I hadn't had time to go digging so I used what Linda provided in our kit which I found out is actually pics of her mom and dad.  I am anxious to start pulling out my huge stash of various wooded boxes and do them up!!!

And finally this was Sunday's class... a way cool canvas!!!!  

This is a picture that Linda took of me on Sunday.  Not a bad pic of me so I had to share it.  

This is a random shot I got of Linda when she was getting ready to take of pic of Marlene and Jackie... Jackie kept us all laughing!!!  They are both wonderful gals that I've known for years. 

These are pictures of all the awesome projects Linda brought with and had on display for us to see!!


  1. What wonderful results. Everything looks so cool. Glad you shared.

  2. We all had such a great time! Thanks for sharing your pics..everything turned out great!


  3. Lucky gal to take a class with Linda! I so love her work, very talented gal!

  4. Fabulous creations Wanda and looks like all and a good time :)
    Von x

  5. Great projects! I love Linda's work and always wish I lived close enough to take a class with her.

  6. Incredible projects. What a wonderful experience for both of you.

  7. Look like you had a fantastic day. Love the projects! Thanks for sharing the pics. I just recently picked up a box like that and you've inspired me to get to it.

  8. Hi Wanda, I read about your special day on Lindas blog, what a Great time you all must have had!
    Awesome projects and your picture looks beautiful!
    hugs Lynn

  9. What a fun day! All your projects are fabulous! Love the wooden bag as well as everything else you made.


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