Monday, August 22, 2011

CBC - Red+Blue=Purple

Red plus Blue does equal Purple!!  And it's a fun color combination too!!!  It's my turn this week to have the sample for the Created Byhand Challenge (Ning Forum and/or Blog) sponsored by Quietfire Design.  I started with a Ranger #8 Manila tag and added Distress Inks using the ink blending tool.... barn door starting at the top left corner and working to the center... broken china starting at the bottom right corner and working to the center... blended the 2 colors together and then also added some dusty concord for more purple... also added some stormy sky over the broken china to get a little deeper blue.  To get the image in the background I used Tim's water stamping technique that is listed in the Compendium of Curiosities book except instead of using a rubber stamp I used his clock embossing folder as my stamp.  The edges of the tag are distressed using the paper distresser.... black dots are made with a Sharpie marker... white dots are made with the Inkssential white pen.  "How old would you be" rubber stamp is stamped using Archival Ink jet black.  I LOVE the flower and leaves and can you believe I made them with plain white copy paper???  I was so psyched when I was done with them.  For the flower... I used Tim's Tattered Floral die cutting 9 of the smaller 6-petal flowers... I stacked them up turning each layer so the petals did not match up... pierced a hole in the center of the stack and added an Idea-ology hitch fastener to hold them all together... next you start with the top flower pulling all the petals up and squishing them around the hitch fastener... move to the second flower and do the same thing... continue doing each flower separately until you have them all done... then begin pulling each flower back down - not straightening all the petals but allowing them to form the flower.  After all the petals were the way I wanted I sprayed the flower with purple twilight Color Wash - I sprayed from each side but not too close or too much as I didn't want the flower saturated with color - dried the flower with the heat tool.  Then I took a little bit of grape fizz Perfect Pearl (found in the Confections set), put it on my craft sheet, sprayed on a little water, and mixed to have a shimmery paint... using a small paint brush I brushed a bit on the edges of some of the petals.  Next came the leaves... I cut 2 leaves using Tim's Tattered Leaves die, sprayed them with meadow Color Wash, dried them, added a little dusty concord ink along one edge of each leaf, trimmed off the large end of each leaf, crumpled them up, used sour apple Perfect Pearl (also in the Confections Set) to make a little shimmery green paint and brushed some on the leaves... not everywhere, just for highlights. I'm still amazed when I look at them how great they come out!!!!  The ribbon is 13mm white silk ribbon colored with distress inks and scrunched as I dried it with the heat tool.


  1. I can't believe what you did with copy paper, Wanda! That flower is AMAZING and how clever to use a hitch fastener to hold it together. Love the coloring on this one, too... gorgeous!

  2. Gorgeous Wanda - your colors are wonderful!

  3. Copy paper???? Who would have guessed because your flower is gorgeous as is the tag.

  4. Being a red hatter and in to red and purple, I love this one. You do such awesome work.

  5. Wow, that color combo is AWESOME! Really beautiful, I love that flower!

  6. Thanks for using the time and effort to write something so interesting.

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  7. That is one serious flower! God is in the details, isn't that how it goes? Great work!

  8. all my life I have loved purple any shade any name this is so lovely it should be on an angels robe.

    susan salyer

  9. This is lovely Wanda! It's exactly your artwork that inspired me to join in! Thanks for the visit!! =)


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