Wednesday, August 10, 2011

CBC - Rainbows/Multi-Colors/Wings

As you can see I went with Rainbows for my choice of options for this weeks Created Byhand Challenge... blog here or ning forum here.

I'll first point out that quote stamps beautifully but I accidently tipped by acrylic block just a bit when I was stamping it and that is why the lower right side looks thicker, almost smeared a little bit... grrrrr.  This was actually the 3rd... yes, you read that correct - 3rd, as in 3 - Three... time I made this tag. The FIRST time I didn't get the rainbow quite how I wanted it but went ahead anyway and then when I was coloring in Pooh and Piglet I was using a water brush and got too much water and the color was bleeding out of the lines.. almost chucked it then but continued... until I stamped the quote crooked.  So I started a SECOND one... rainbow was better, coloring was better... double and triple checked that my stamp was straight on the acrylic block and then managed to fumble the block when I was stamping and got a double impression on part of it which looked totally bad.  Those 2 tries were last night and then I gave up, lol... just to decide to try again tonight and well, I almost chucked this one too but decided to share anyway.

I started with a Ranger Inkssential #8 manila tag... stamped Pooh and Piglet with black Archival Ink.  Colored in the image using a small paint brush and Distress Inks - just a touch of water added.  The craft sheets works great for this... dab the ink pad on the sheet... in a different spot spray a little water... touch the paint brush in the water, brush of extra, rub it in the Distress Ink and paint... sooo easy.  I used wild honey and barn door on Pooh... spun sugar and worn lipstick on Piglet.  The "rainbow" is made with Distress Inks (dusty concord, broken china, bundled sage, mustard seed, spiced marmalade, barn door)... I used an ink blending tool tipping it so I just used the edge/side/corner of the sponge... began with dusty concord and worked by way up... went back over each color a 2nd time blending them together more where they met.  The quote is stamped with black Archival. Using the ink blending tool I also added antique linen under the rainbow area and some peeled paint along the bottom.  Edges are distress and "stitching" added with a fine tip pen.  Some rainbow colored ribbon to finish it off.

The quote is a Quietfire Design calligraphy stamp.


  1. When at first you don't succeed...
    Lovely rainbow
    thanks for sharing with Created Byhand

  2. This is such a sweet the rainbow effect.

  3. Terrific tag and love your rainbow. x

  4. 3 - three - trois times eh!!
    It turned out fabulously. Love your rainbow. really nicely done. such a cute stamp. All the little details add so much to it.

  5. Another lovely creation. The bright colors are great with this quote and image.

  6. Oh, oh, oh! You show me a new life for my two drawers of Pooh-stamps from way back then!!! I gotta get me that quote, that is just brilliant. Do you know if they have more poohtations?
    AND YES, your work is just perfect. I can feel the frustration over the mishaps, and rejoice in the perfect result of the process. Yay!


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