Friday, July 1, 2011

It only seems fitting..........

Since I started with a blog candy post before sharing each class I think it only right to end with a Blog Candy post... or would you rather I didn't :-))  I'm giving away what you see in the picture... the tiny attacher is used (works great), but since I won an autographed tiny attacher during the Compendium of Curiosities challenges I don't really need two and I'm giving away the one I already had along with refills.  There is also a Retro Grunge paper stack, iron gate On-The-Edge die, and two Quietfire Design rubber stamps.  Now all the things I've been collecting for quite some time to use for blog candy will be going to new homes and I can start all over :-))  I hope you've enjoyed the week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For a chance to win just leave one comment on this post (everyone may enter) and I will pick a winner on Sunday, July 3rd.


  1. Hi Wanda, wow im first, wonder if thats a sign of good luck lol I have u on my google reader and love your work and blog , thanks for the opportunity, dont know what and attacher is but sure i will use it lol

    hugz bev langby (

  2. WAUW what a great week this has been. Thank you so much for sharing all the classes with us, it has been really awesome, and thanks so much for all the chances for some great candy too. It´s all so cool things, and now I´ll just cross my fingers, that I´ll be lucky for once, even I probably wount LOL.
    Have a wonderful week-end and I´ll look forward to next time, you´ll show us some awesome new things and ideas here.

  3. HIowa!
    OOooh, that is great candy. You are so generous to share such goodies. I hope these go to a lovely home :-)
    And I also hope you will be blessed as generously as you bless others.
    Lots of love

  4. Lot's more super candy Wanda :) good luck everyone I'm off on my holls
    Have a fab week Wanda
    Von x

  5. Wow, that's a great candy! I willl cross my fingers and toes for this one...

  6. Awesome candy! Thanks for the chance!

  7. Oh lovely candy now wouldnt this be a nice birthday present!

  8. Wanda... I can't believe you still have more goodies to give away... I have looked at the tiny attachers before but have never used, how do you use yours? Thanks for another chance to win such neat goodies.

  9. How awesome! I love Tim and all of his products. Thanks for a chance to win wonderful blog candy.

  10. I'm ready for another chance to win some of your candy !!! The end of July will be here soon and I will get to see all of your projects IRL. See you in WDM

  11. Awesome! Thank you

    Elaine in jersey

  12. Hi Wanda, it is wonderful that you are willing to "pass it on."

    Your art is always beautiful and inspiring which is a gift in itself.


  13. Are you clearing some stash, my friend? So generous -- thank you for sharing your wonderful creations!!!

  14. Wow Wanda- what a great week of giveaways! I love your wonderful projects!

  15. You know I'm in for anything by Tim! Have a great 4th!

  16. Love the give-away - hope I win. Thanks.

  17. It really looks like you had a totaly fabulous time in all the classes you took. Thank you for sharing those beautiful artworks with us!

  18. Hi Wanda, I am new to your blog,just became a follower and I would love to put all that candy to use in my creating room nee office. Jen from "allmybitsnpieces"blog

  19. Wanda, what an interesting week and how very generous to offer such a fabulous blog candy!
    Your blog is a constant inspiration to me. TFS
    Dorly Weitzen

  20. Love reading your blog and having blog candy makes it even lovelier! lol

  21. Wow! this is all great blog candy. I don't have any of these yet. love your blog's thanks for sharing..

  22. Sounds like you had a lot of fun in Tim's classes. I do envy you and the results are fantastic. Thanks for sharing and the blog giveaways.

  23. Cool - another give-away. How generous you are! Thanks so much for the blog candy as well as the chance to win

  24. "Rather you didn't" now come on! Thanks so much for your week of sharing classes. It's been great to see your creations.

  25. How generous, awesome candy, thanks for the chance to win.

  26. I' ve really enjoyed all the classes you've shared. Not quite as well as experiencing them myself but close enough until Tim comes near my home town. Thanks so much for sharing all the great projects with us. Shari (cricutrookie)

  27. Wow Wanda, you've been really generous with the blog candy already!
    Thanks for all the chances to win :)
    I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing what you made in the classes.

  28. Awesome blog candy. Thanks for the chances to win Vickie

  29. I love your jewelry! Especially the bracelet and the bird's nest. thank you for offering the blog candy!


  30. Wow your generosity just never ends! Thank you for the chance.
    So glad you had such a wonderful time with Tim.
    Maybe someday I'll be lucky enough to take some of his classes. TFS
    hugs Lynn

  31. Hi Wanda, don't include me in on the blog candy, I just wanted to pop in and say Hi. All your pieces turned out fabulous!! Love the spilled bottle on your configuration!! Posting about & reading about the classes makes me want to do it all over again!! It was great getting to meet you!!

  32. I found your blog from ATT and wanted to read about your classes with Tim, but you are in my favorites now! I went back and looked at some of your previous posts and your cards are all gorgeous! And I like the phrase stamps from Quietfire Designs so I will have to check them out. Haven't heard of them before this!

    So thanks for leading me here...your work is beautiful!

  33. Wanda, your classes and resulting projects look absolutely fabulous. Thank you for your incredible generosity in your giveaways!!!
    Oh I bet you had fun!!

  34. I've loved reading about your classes with Tim......sad its come to an end!!!

  35. I like reading about your Tim classes since I've never took a class with him. you are so nice also to do blog candy drawing.
    stamping sue

  36. Wow Wanda, these giveaways have just been tremendous! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  37. It is so great of you to do these giveaways. Just love seeing all of the things that you make.

  38. Wanda, I have enjoyed this week with you so much thanks to your generous spirit. If I don't win any blog candy I still came away a winner. Thanks for your inspiration and overwhelming generosity.

  39. Thank you for sharing, this has been an enjoyable experience.

  40. Wanda, It was great to meet you at Stampers. I had surgery the Friday after his class so mine are sitting in the dinning room waiting to be finished. Yours turned out GREAT. I love your configuration box... I was so tiered by Sunday night, I got the paper on mine but not much else.
    Thanks for sending the picture to Gloria I never even got mine out of the camera.

  41. Love the yummy blog candy, but most of all I like your blog and everything you share with us followers!

  42. I don't have any of these items. I am so happy to have won!!! Thank you so much, Wanda. You truly made my day.


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