Monday, May 30, 2011

CBC - White/Breathe

This weeks Created Byhand Challenge is Breathe and/or White.  I immediately thought of this quote from Quietfire... which I really like!!!!  The huge challenge for me was keeping my card mostly white... I could not believe how tough it was for me to do!!!!  This is a regular size card 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"... a folded white base.  The next layer is slightly smaller... I painted white cardstock with Lumiere super sparkle paint, let it dry and embossed it with the Tim Holtz embossing folder rays.  The quote is stamped on white cardstock with Archival Ink sepia.  The butterflies are stamped on white cardstock with Versamark ink and embossed with white embossing powder... to give the design a little definition I sponged Distress Ink antique linen over and around the butterflies, cleaned off the embossing powder with a damp cloth, and cut them out.  White pearls added to the body of the butterflies.  Roses ribbon is from Tim Holtz trimmings pack.

Challenge blog entry is Here.   Challenge ning forum post is Here.  Both include links to all the supplies for this card.  We'd love to have you join along with the challenge if you have time!!!!


  1. Wanda, this is just stunning!!! I am a sucker for monochromatic anyway but this is just beautiful!

  2. This is really pretty. I love the shimmer and how the embossing makes it look like rays of sunshine.

  3. This is beautiful, Wanda. I love the life that little bit of antique linen added to the butterflies.

  4. Well this artwork takes my breath away! Wow, Spectacular!

  5. Lovely card. Nice touch of painting the white cardstock with sparkle Lumiere.

  6. Wow! How elegant and beautiful, Wanda!

  7. It's breath-taking, Wanda...! Just beautiful!

  8. so my comment isn't here either. I wonder where I'm commenting...

    Anyway, love your card. Love the flowers on the bottom and those butterflies are precious. I still so rarely use that embossing folder. You definitely get good use out of it.


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