Saturday, April 23, 2011

Vintage Humor ATCs

Awhile back I participated in a Vintage Humor ATC swap that Lori was hosting via her fabulous blog I Been Thinkin'... 'Bout Inkin'...   

This first picture shows the atcs I made.  I just love this image from Quietfire Design of the boy and girl... it is available both printed or digitally.  At the time I made it I had been looking at some arch shaped atcs and decided I just need to make one!!  I started with a manila atc blank, cut my arch shape at the top, colored the background with Distress Stains, stamped the script and weeds (Studio 490 images), inked the edges of the card, added a Tim Holtz on-the-edge scallop cut from green cardstock (I rubbed on a little silver paint dabber along the edges), attached the image and shaded around it with a pencil.  The words are computer generated.  Some glittery silver sticky back gems finish it up.

These pictures are the wonderful atcs I got in return (click the pic for a closer look).  Left to right they are from - Pam L, Eileen B, and Elaine P.  Thank you ladies for some great atcs to add to my collection!!!!  And thank you, Lori, for hosting a fun swap!!!!


  1. I loved your arch ATC, really clever and unique! This was a lot of fun, glad you could participate!

  2. Wish I could have thought of something clever so I could have joined in the them all!

  3. That looked like such a fun swap. I love what you did with the layering here and the silver gems on just part of it.

  4. It is a nice post. At that time, I did it for my bow in a forward-looking and decided to ATC​​, I just need time. I started with a blank Manila air traffic control, cut the top of my arch.

  5. The shading with the pencil makes it pop, I love the effect of that. Did you cut the image out?


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