Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Created Byhand Challenge - Circles

Circles are fun!!!  I had so many ideas and I still might do some more of them throughout this week.  All stamps used are from Quietfire Design.  The printed paper with all the buttons is from Tim's Crowded Attic Paper Stash... paper distresser used on the edges.  Using Spellbinders Circle Nestabilities, the next to the smallest circle, I cut 6 from grungepaper and then 1 of the next largest size also from grungepaper.   The larger circle was used as a base for the flower, the other six make the flower... they were inked on both sides with Distress Ink barn door, the edges roughed up using the paper distresser and then the edges inked with Distress Ink rusty hinge.  Stamped music on each circle with Archival Ink sepia.  Glued 5 circles in a circle on the larger "base" circle and then the 6th circle in the center.  Shaped the outer edges of the petals by rolling the grunge between my fingers.  The flower stem is also paper from the Crowded Attic Stash inked over with Distress Ink shabby shutters, edges distressed and then inked with Distress Ink peeled paint.  The leaves are cut from grungepaper using Tim's mini branch and leaf die... inked the leaves with shabby shutters, embossed them using Tim's dot matrix folder, and inked with peeled paint.  On a scrap of white cardstock I painted Lumiere super sparkle by just rubbing it on with my finger - this gave the paper a pearl look similar (although a bit more sparkly) to the button I was using on the flower.  Stamped Love with Archival Ink jet black, cut out with Spellbinders Labels 10, inked the edges with barn door, poked a hole at each end and tied it on with 4-ply waxed linen thread.  Button threaded with waxed linen and added to center of flower.

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