Friday, March 11, 2011

MAC #4

We have been fighting the crud around here.  Nick began Sunday evening with a fever (103.5 at one point) and by Tuesday had a VERY sore throat, head cold, aches, etc... took him to the doctor... then Wednesday morning Tim began the fever, etc... by yesterday my throat is scratchy and head very full feeling, not fever, yay!!!!  I did manage to get this tag done on Tuesday for the Making Art Challenge on the Everything Wendy Vecchi Yahoo group.  For the challenge this time we were to use Wendy's perfect stamping technique.  It can be found on page 10 of her first book but she also has a couple of posts on her blog that share the technique Here and Here.  I used all Studio 490 stamps on my tag.  The butterfly is stamped using gold Paint Dabber onto Wendy's Clearly for Art blackout.  WAY cool stuff!!!!  Wendy has shared several Clearly for Art ideas on her blog lately.  The white inside letters of the saying is done with the Ranger Inkssential pen and after it was dry I went over it with DI wild honey to tone down the white a bit.  Background colors are Distress Inks.  Stamping is done with Archival Inks except for the technique stamping along the left side and across the bottom.  Jute is colored with gold Paint Dabber.  Ideology piece has snow cap Paint Dabber to bring out the word and numbers.


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