Wednesday, March 30, 2011

CBC - Silver

This was for last weeks Created Byhand Challenge and I had it done last week but it was a crazy week (and weekend) and I didn't get it posted... so I'm posting it late.  It's a very simple atc but I like it a lot!!!  That WAY cool paper for the background is called pebble metallic silver... I got it from Quietfire Design and it's on their website here.  It comes in a pack with gold and copper also.  The black dots around the edge are Enamel Accents.  Inspire (part of a set found here) is stamped on white cardstock and inserted in a Tim Holtz Ideology Ornate Plate.  Pretty pink silk flowers (found in the wedding isle at the craft store) to finish it off.


  1. Wow that's some card Wanda! Love the background!
    Sharon F.

  2. Simple is good! And this is lovely.

  3. oh I love this piece. And I have several sheets of that paper in different colors. Out it's coming...


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