Saturday, February 26, 2011

A hot bath - with bubbles

Another of Quietfire Design's new stamps There must be quite a few things.  Tim's hanging sign is cut from grungepaper.  The hanger is inked with tea dye Distress ink, embossed with tea dye Distress embossing powder, release crystals removed and inked over with Distress ink walnut stain.  A technique in Tim's fabulous book A Compendium of Curiosities with just a slight change - he inked first with Distress embossing ink, but this worked well also.  The sign is inked with Distress ink tumbled glass first - then I sprayed water on some bubble wrap and pressed it onto the inked sign, pulled it off and dried it.  This left lighter areas where the wet bubbles pressed on the sign - since I started with a lighter ink, they are very subtle but there.  The edged are inked first with faded jeans and then a bit with walnut stain.  The tips of the flourish are stamped with faded jeans.  The white "bubbles" are made using the bubble wrap and stamping with white acrylic paint.  The background paper is from Tim's Lost and Found Paper Stash.  The edges are inked with walnut stain.  The hanging sign is mounted up from the background with either scraps of grunge or foam tape and they are linked together with jump rings.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool design, Wanda! Love how you incorporated the "bubbles"!


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