Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CCC #33 (and #32)

You probably guessed by my title that I again got behind on this challenge... only 1 week - not so bad, lol.  Pop on over to Linda's blog for all the details about this challenge series base on Tim Holtz's book Compendium of Curiosities.  A MUST HAVE book!!  Challenge #33 is altered metal alcohol inks and found on page 56.  I used that technique on the heart and the staples (used my autographed tiny attacher that I won on Linda's blog - thanks, Tim & Linda).  Challenge #32 is inking and stamping masks on page 59 and I used that technique for the background.  Distress inks used - crushed olive, broken china, wild honey, victorian velvet, shabby shutters, faded jeans, rusty hinge.  Alcohol inks - watermelon, sail boat blue.


  1. You combines these two challenges beautifully Wanda. It turned out gorgeous and that stamp was a perfect choice.

  2. What a beautiful tag.

    Love dawn xx

  3. Beautiful tag Wanda ... the colours look amazing!

  4. Simply gorgeous tag, adore it. Annette x

  5. Gorgeous Wanda! I love the colors and stamping on your tag, and the altered metal looks great!

  6. Wanda, you combined the two challenge themes perfectly-- this is an utterly gorgeous tag! Your masking is perfect, and the altered metal heart is a lovely way to embellish it. Great background stamping, too, and the colors are so pretty and spring-y. Wonderful work!

  7. Gorgeous tag Wanda! I love your masked bird! x

  8. Fabulous tag! hmmm like the idea of using the AI on the staples.

  9. I was scrolling down the thumbnails of the entries and yours shouted at me - this tag is wonderful!
    I was only thinking the other day, Tim should do coloured staples - derrr you've cracked it.

  10. Love your colors, stamping and the pretty heart, nice!

  11. What a beautiful tag! The stamps, the colors and the little metal heart all work so well together!

  12. Very pretty tag! Love the images!


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