Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wendy Vecchi Classes

Last weekend Wendy Vecchi came to Memory Bound store in Ankeny, Iowa and I was able to take 2 of her classes. I had an absolutely fabulous time!!! This is a picture of me and Wendy.

This is a picture of Wendy near the beginning of the first class.

The first class was a technique class. This is a picture of all the tags I did. We used Distress Inks, Paint Dabbers, and Adirondack Pigment Inks.

The second class I took was a Maya Road mini chipboard book . This is a picture of my whole book put together.

These are the fronts of all the pages.

These are the backs of all the pages.

I was also the winner of a goodie package in the first class. Lots of fun stuff to use!!!

If you ever have the chance to take any of Wendy's classes, I highly recommend them. She is a wonderful teacher!!!!!


  1. Hi Wanda, what fun to take a class with Wendy and create some beautiful tags and the stunning Maya Road book. Wow, front and back altered for each page. You were a busy gal with fantastic results. Your color choices are exceptional.

  2. Ooo, I especially like that butterfly tag in the lower right corner, hee! What fun you had, isn't that mini book the coolest?? And congrats for winning a prize, love that Maya Road chip!

  3. These look like really fun projects! Congratulations on your win!

  4. Wow! Fun projects, great art, and congrats on winning the goodies!

  5. I was fortunate enough to take a class with Wendy and she is a great teacher. Your art work is fabulous - I love scrolling through it. You are very talented! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wanda - looks like those were great classes!

  7. Wanda I haven't been here for awhile, but am having a nice quiet morning with lovely music playing. All kinds of lovely stuff in this post and earlier ones. The tags are wonderful and you certainly got a lot made. Your book looks similar to one I made, but with all differet lesigns than the one I did. Glad I stopped by today.

  8. look like fun classes and wodnerful projects. Congrats on winning BIG GRIN

  9. that must have been a blast! No one ever comes here to teach. LOL and congrats on your win too. Great tags and so many too!

  10. Wanda - the tags are fantastic -- You know, I'f always been a bit fan of all your pieces - these are simply outstanding! Thanks for sharing!!! Jodi

  11. Oh wow what a wonderful and creative time you had :)


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