Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 3 of Tim Holtz's Tags

Here are my Tim's Day 3 inspired tags. Making the plaids using the alcohol inks is a LOT of fun!! All images used on these are Tim Holtz stamps. The "snow" on the tree branch was done using the inkssential pen.


  1. Wanda, they are all GREAT. When I saw the top one, I thought it WAS T!M's sample!

  2. Love your AI plaids! Well, you know how I feel about your art. Always inspiring.
    Got a kick out of your son and the icicles. Don't think I'll complain about the cold here any more. LOL!

  3. Great job, Wanda! Love your work!

    Stay warm,


  4. I'm not into birds, but I just love the plaid with the bird! Just reminds me of a wintry, snowy day!

  5. Love the colors of your backgrounds!

  6. Loving both of these....these Tim Tags are addictive...I have kept up and managed to do them all!!! Mind you, i have been neglecting my WV stamps tho!! Have a great day x


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