Sunday, November 29, 2009

Birthday Card

A birthday card for our son-in-law. The tree stamp is from Rubber Stampede and "Happy Birthday" is an old Stampin' Up image. For the trees I started with a light blue paper, sponged some Brilliance moonlight ink, stamped the trees with Archival Ink jet black, tore them out, and then sponged around them with Distress Ink broken china, faded jeans, and black soot. The next layer is a greenish yellow textured paper... sponged the edges with broken china and faded jeans, then distressed the edges, and finished up by rubbed some black soot ink on them. Layered everything together, stamped "Happy Birthday" on the metal rimmed tag with jet black ink, sponged on some broken china and faded jeans... also rubbed some ink on the white string. Finished up by using a Sharpie marker to add the black dots.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Wanda. I like your idea of the tag for your Happy birthday. I just finished a BD card that needs something extra and may incorporate your idea.


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