Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Spirit of Christmas

It's hard to believe that Christmas is less than two months away and Thanksgiving is less than one month away... where has this year went!!
This card uses new stamps from Quietfire Design. For the background I attached a piece from a book page to a piece of cardstock... painted over it with Adirondack paint dabbers, first with snow cap, let it dry, and then with pool, and let it dry and then rubbed on some aquatic splash Versamagic ink. Next I stamped a flourish in the upper left corner using snow cap paint and then stamped various snowflake images with aegean blue Versamagic ink. The quote is stamped onto printed paper with jet black Archival ink, the edges of the panel distressed with the tonic paper distresser and aquatic splash ink rubbed onto the distressed edges. This is layered onto a torn edge panel and then onto the background. An extra torn piece of cardstock and a piece of lace are added near the bottom of the background. "love" is stamped repeated along the bottom with jet black ink. Three snowflake charms are added - the large one I don't remember where I got it, the other two are from Quietfire design. They come gold - I sanded the front to take off any finish and then colored them with a Krylon paint pen. White glittered dome sticky gems are added to the center of each snowflake charm.


  1. This is beautiful. You've inspired me to try some new techniques this weekend.

  2. Beautiful card Wanda. I like all the layers and the background, the lace is lovely too.

  3. Beautiful! Really conveys the Christmas spirit!

  4. gorgeous card. Love the background. I don't use the daubers I have very much, but this one makes me want to.

  5. Lovely card Wanda, thanks for sharing it.

  6. What a beautiful card Wanda. I love all the elements and the composition. I'll have to go check out the new stamps at Quietfire.

  7. Gorgeous card Wanda! I love the wintery feel of it.

  8. your card is gorgeous Wanda! I love the soft weathered feel of it! lovely work!

  9. How very beautiful! I love the snowflakes too!

  10. What an excellent way to use all those supplies! I love the colors and that quote....
    Beautiful finished card!

  11. Hi Wanda! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!! Hope all is well :)

  12. Simply Stunning...I LOVE it. I find it calming in a quiet sort of blue way...


  13. Such snowy goodness!

  14. Gorgeous card and that stamp is wonderful.

  15. Wanda your card is lovely and the quitefire stamp is the vocal point of your card and works beautifully. Thank you for telling us how its done.

  16. This is a beautiful card. Just love it.

  17. Simple but very elegant. Love the way you used the ruler to punch the holes around the edge. That and the addition of the Brilliance Gold ink add a special touch to the card.

  18. Beautiful! Like your technique.
    Nelda Deakins
    neldamc 765 at charter dot net


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