Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another Birthday Card

Here is another quick birthday card. "Happy Birthday" is a Quietfire Design stamp. All other stamps are Studio 490. The background image is stamped with Adirondack ink juniper. The flowers are embossed with Adirondack embossing powder wild plum. The butterfly is stamped on a scrap of white cardstock and also embossed with the wild plum, juniper ink sponged on, the butterfly cut out and only the body glued to the background so the wings can be up. Sponged some juniper around the edges and layered it to a folded card.


  1. This is lovely Wanda - I have never seen wild plum embossing powder in the UK ... shall be looking harder now though ... I neeeeeeeeed some *LOL*

  2. This is so darn pretty. Love, love, love the purple embossing.

  3. Wanda,
    thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my Christmas ornaments. I had fun making them!

    I'm loving this card you made, especially that big stamp image on the background. Great!

  4. Looove this, colours are fab...and of course the stamps are perfect! TFS x


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