Saturday, June 20, 2009

Gesso Pizzazz

The class Thursday night went really well and Suzanne thought she counted about 25 people in attendance. Thanks so much to everyone!!!! I hope you have time to try the techniques and to share your art on the forum... I would love to see what you do!!!!! Congrats to the ladies who won prizes - Carole, Elaine, Diane, and Judi... have fun with your new rubber stamps once they arrive!!!

Suzanne has put the class on her website here so if you couldn't be there, you can still check it out.


  1. Wanda and Suzanne -

    Thank you both so much for a great night. As I mentioned to Suzanne, it is the first time I have participated in something like that and I had a blast. It was so much fun, plus we learned some truly wonderful techniques. Wanda - I know I am going to try these, your work was such an inspiration. And to top off the night - I won rubber stamps from Suzanne's shop - what could be better?!!!!
    If anyone did not attend the workshop, you must click on the link Wanda provided on her blog to see some wonderful work and techniques. Enjoy your weekend Wanda and thanks again!

    Elaine Allen

  2. Thaks for the class Wanda. I t just got too late for me to finish but really enjoyed it. Love the samples and hope to make some of them when my 9 ecoline inks arrive from Suzanne. Yes, I took the plunge! Like I really need yet another kind of ink. My house will tip over if I keep putting things in my studio! LOL Kathy E

  3. I love the effect of the gesso spritz Wanda.. it's really neat. I do however, have a question.. With the butterfly, you used Microspritz to seal the piece... for sealing, I usually just use aerosol hairspray.. will that work as well, or do I need to go on a hunt for the Microspritz? I live in a rural area, so stamp supply hunting can be a bit challenging, as I don't shop online.

    Karen G (BC)

  4. Ohhhhhhhh . . . I'm sorry I missed your class, Wanda! This piece is TO DIE FOR!!!! THANK YOU for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment! I'm playing with acrylics, again, too . . . and LOVING it!!!! LOL!!!!

  5. I just 'wandered' onto your blog- this is absolutely beautiful! I have long admired your work- will have to visit more often!

  6. This is one of my personel favorites of yours!



I'm so glad you've stopped by!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!! YOU are appreciated!!!