Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Birthday Card

Here's that birthday card I mentioned I would be making using Tim's new technique. I have one picture tilted so you can see the Perfect Pearls in the background. The bird is a grungeboard shape coated with Crackle paints... after it was dry I added some ink to the belly/chest area. Created the circle tag and hung it from the bird by making a hole in the beak and tieing on the tag with a metallic thread. The for the flower I sponged Distress Inks on white cardstock and punched out the flowers. I was only going to add a couple but then just kept going and going but I quite like. I also used a punched flower and a sticky-back pearl for th eye. White "stitching" was done with the inkssential pen. "Happy Birthday" is an old DOTS stamp and all others are Tim Holtz stamps.


  1. Beautiful card, Wanda!

  2. Wanda -

    What a really super card. It's just beautiful. I know we tend to make tags and things with Tim's techniques, but it really translates wonderfully to a card. You have done a fantastic job!

    Elaine Allen

  3. I love this card. It really came out nice!! Your ATCs are all fabulous too, Wanda. My favorite is the one with the sun background!!

  4. BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL, Wanda!!! I LOVE your new Tim Holtz PP technique card! It's sooooooooo LOVELY!!!!

  5. Wanda...this card is gorgeous. Love the crackle bird and how you highlighted the birds belly.

  6. Absolutely stunning...! I love the bundle of flowers - all the elements are just great!

  7. Wanda - this is awesome....the bird the flowers, the colors, the words in black...perfect! love it! Hope you bring this to swap, so I can see it in person!!
    Pam Going Postal

  8. Very nice. Good idea for the eye.

  9. How beautiful and I really love the background, the bird of course, and those flowers are wonderful too!

  10. Glad I found your blog!
    Wonderful designs!!

  11. Hi, Wanda! I just love your birdie birthday card you made!!! Hope all is well with you, hugs,


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