Monday, March 2, 2009

6" x 6" Book

Front Cover

Inside of front cover

Title Page

Back of Title Page

I'm participating in a book round robin on the yahoo group AllThingsTim. We are to make or buy a book no larger than 6"x 6". I made mine using heavy chipboard for the covers and 300# watercolor paper for the pages... this makes the pages sturdy enough to handle any supplies and all the embellishments someone would want to use. I decorated the front cover, both sides and a title page, both sides. Supplies used - distress crackle paint, distress inks, Adirondack pigment inks, Archival ink, Tim Holtz stamps, grungeboard, ideaology embellishments, distress embossing powder, ribbon trims, distress stickles, sticky back gems, silk flowers, button, thread. I am in a group with 7 other people for this round robin and am looking forward to seeing the artful pages these ladies do in my book and also working in their books.


  1. Wanda, I LOVE your covers. Wish we were in the same group so I can see and touch them myself, but look forward to seeing all the pages posted as we move along. Isn't this fun???

  2. wow, this is really awesome!
    Hope I can keep up with your talent! :)

  3. Wow Wanda!! This book is beautiful!! I can't wait to see what others do in int! I hope you will share when it is returned to you!! Beautiful work as always!

  4. your book is gorgeous--the colors are wonderful. it's definitely off to a great start!


  5. Your book is beautiful Wanda! your use of colour is inspirational {hugs}

  6. Haven't heard from you in a while. The book cover and first page are wonderful. Love it. Love the colors, layout and texturing.

  7. Lovely book! Wanda I love your style! xxoo Astrid

  8. What a beautiful work of art, Wanda. I am in awe!

  9. im in a round robin too...they are sooo much fun!!! and the best part - well one of getting the book back at the end and browsing through all the gorgeous pages that everyone created....
    love your book though...i LOVE the crackled cover and the color palette you used for the pages....the title page especially interests me - the layers are just gorgeous and i love the beautiful colors all throughout it... gorgeous work..and have fun!!! ;o)~

  10. Oh, these are beautiful!! I would be *very* hard pressed to pick a favorite - but I do love that last page. The colors, the birds, the flowers. It's seamless. I just love them all!!

  11. This is so beautiful!! I love it. What a great work or art.

  12. Love your journal. Looks fabulous with what you did with Tim's stuff.


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