Thursday, February 5, 2009

Valentine ATCs

More atcs for the in-person swap coming up on Saturday. The background on both of these is printed ribbon I picked up on an after holiday sale last year (or maybe a couple years ago) at either Michael's or Hobby Lobby. It's exactly 2 1/2" wide - cool, huh. I attached the ribbon to white atc blanks for strength. The men images, ticket images, and red German Scrap hearts were all gotten from Paper Imagery Designs. I cut out the men and added them and the hearts to the background so that the so that the image just overlapped the top point of the heart. I cut out the tickets, layered them on red cardstock and trimmed to leave a small border. Added red pearl heart stickers to the tickets and on the left card, drew a kiss on his cheek with a red micron pen.


  1. Great idea! I have truly enjoyed reading your blog!!!


  2. Wanda,
    These guys are just so handsome! And the kiss on the cheek is too clever! He looks so surprised! I love these designs.


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