Sunday, September 14, 2008

Music paper, distress inks and an ATC

Every other Thursday is Technique Thursday on the PID yahoo group and the current technique is a distress ink technique. There are step-by-step pics and directions on the PID blog here. The top picture here is an 8 1/2 x 11" piece of the technique. The bottom picture is an atc made with one of the backgrounds I cut from the top pic. The collage image is from PID and the calligraphy stamp is from Quietfire Design.


  1. What a great background Wanda! I like what you did with it too! The words on the bottom are clever too!

  2. Hi Wanda!
    THANK YOU so much for visiting my blog!!! That Audrey card is still one of my favorites!!!!!! I'm loving this technique on your blog! THANK YOU so much for linking it to the tutorial!!!!!!!


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