Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Caught in Canvas

I made this book a few weeks ago as a test run for the new kit Suzanne at Quietfire Design is now offering. It's a very fun book to make and I just love it!!!! The directions are fabulous with wonderful pictures to help in understanding the stitches, etc. You can learn more about this new kit and enjoy other projects in her current newsletter here.


  1. I love this book Wanda. The cover looks like real leather. Perfectly executed!

  2. Wanda, you know how much I love books! This is wonderful-you did an awesome job! Great idea and beautiful execution!
    chris p

  3. That has to be one of the most clever ways to use those canvases! I love it! Mind if I steal the idea? It's amazing!

  4. Very cool. Looks like lots of fun.

  5. Hi Wanda!
    This is an AWESOME book you created!!! I LOVE it!!

  6. oh wow! This is really nice...will you be able to bring yourself to write in it? lol

  7. Wow! What an incredible book, I love it! Lots of inspiration her. I also love the inchie book you made for Quietfire. What a great idea!

  8. Wanda - what a fabulous idea! You're soooooooo creative! Marva

  9. Wow! What fun to "happen' upon your blog and then to see the finished product: your wonderful book! It looks fabulous! :) Kristy


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