Monday, January 21, 2008

Polished Stone and TTS

There was a challenge on the TTSchat group to used the polished stone technique and, of course, to combine it with Time to Stamp stamps. I love that technique and will sit for a long time playing to fill by folder with backgrounds. I pulled this one out, stamped a background image on part of it and cut it into strips. I also cut some narrower strips of an unstamped area and then pieced them together for the background. This is attached to grey Bazzill cardstock edged with gold Krylon and then a blue Bazzill folded base. The peacock was stamped with versamark ink, embossed with sticky powder, and powdered pearls added. I colored in the body with chalks and added darker highlights with a fine tipped pen. Oriental splendor was stamped with black ink on a scrap of the background, cut out, layered on, and white glaze pen used around the edges. Clear crystal stickers were added.


  1. this is just beautiful! I am wondering if you are the Wanda that has been posting gorgeous pieces at 2peas stamping board also? :)

  2. Simply Sweet!!! Love everything about this (((Hugs)))

  3. Thank you for the Sweet comment on my blog..Look forward to your new creations.


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