Thursday, January 17, 2008

Created Byhand - Distress Inks

The challenge on Created Byhand is to use Distress Inks. The flourish stamps, collage image, puffy heart, resist ink, and Distress Inks used on this atc can be found at Quietfire Design. I started with white glossy cardstock cut to atc size and stamped the largest flourish image on it with resist ink. Next I rubbed on Distress ink tattered rose, fired brick, and concord using a cosmetic sponge. I then cam back in with a the smaller flourish of the same shape stamping in fired brick and concord ink and dried them with the heat tool. The collage image is printed on regular white cardstock. After cutting it out I added an extra slip by the hand to tuck the corner of the heart into. Added the puffy heart using Glossy Accents and then added dots around the edge with a gold gel pen. The words were done with a Dymo labeler on clear tape.


  1. Wow! This is beautiful! Great Flourish background! An unexpected colour combination of Distress inks - great! Thanks for using the Flourishes!

  2. great ATC! love the flourishes!

  3. Love looking at your work. This is awesome!!! Love those distress inks!

  4. shes so cute.. wanna pinch those cheeks...

  5. This is very beautiful done! Love the colors.


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