Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy October

Happy October!! I know... it's already the 8th, but it's my first post this month... busy, busy. I have gotten some art done though. I did another canvas but can't share it yet as I'm entering it into a contest.

This atc was done as part of the Bernie Berlin workshop on the A.R.T. group. I cut a piece from an old pair of jeans and decided I liked the back of material better for the front of my card. I machine stitched it to a piece of cardstock using a decorative stitch around the edges and some random stitching in the center. The collage image (from The Altered Abbey) was attached using a straight stitch. I cut the branches free-hand from brown cardstock and stitched down the center of them. The bird (from Time to Stamp) was stamped on white cardstock, cut out, and glued on. The flowers have a seed bead sewn in the center.

Autumn is here with some cooler weather and the leaves have started to change colors. I needed a couple of cards this past week and just had to use leaves and autumn colors. Both backgrounds have leaves stamped with a resist pad and Adirondack inks sponged over them. The leaf embellishments are punched from white cardstock. For the first one I used Adirondack ink to color it and then embossed it with clear ep. For the second one I used Moon Glow ep over the leaf.

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